Electronic – Declare signed numbers in Verilog


There are so many resources online talking about how to represent and extend signed numbers in Verilog, but I still can not get it. Let's say I have a number 244, which is 'b1111_0100, or 'hF4. If I want to represent this number in signed decimal, should I need to declare the size with one extra bit for the sign?

8'sd244 or 9'sd244               // signed 244?
8'sb1111_0100 or 9'sb1111_0100   // which one is correct 244?
8'shF4    or 9'shf4              // Do I need 0FA, or it is assumed?

Even more confusion comes with negative numbers: do I need to represent them in 2's complement format? How about the size? It would be nice if someone could give an explanation with example in the <size>'<signed><format><value> format.

Best Answer

To declare a negative number in 2's complement form, you place the negative sign in front of the width specifier, for example


Would be the value of -16, and would have the same bit pattern as the unsigned value 8'HF0

You do indeed need to include the sign bit in your width considerations, and it is of course essentially up to you to keep track of which vectors are to to be interpreted as signed and which as unsigned.