Verilog – How to Declare Register Values as Input in Verilog


I have a data set consisting of 30 values and each of 16 bit wide. I tried to add these values as an input in my Verilog code in the following way:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module com (inp,clk,out);
input clk;
input reg [15:0] inp;//dataset
output out;

but when I am writing input reg [15:0] inp; it is showing some error.

Can anybody tell me how can I use this data set values as an input in my verilog code.

Best Answer

If you want to assign a value to something, then it is a register (reg). If you want to connect two things, then you need a wire. If you want to get a signal from an external block you use an input and if you want to send a signal to an external block you use an output. outputs can be wires or regs, but an input cannot be a reg. If you're trying to assign a value to inp inside your block, then how can you also say the value of inp is determined by another block?

Maybe this is more what you're trying to do: on the clock edge, if reset is high then inp_registered gets 0. Otherwise, it gets the value of inp:

module com(

input rst;
input clk;
input [15:0] inp;

reg [15:0] inp_registered;


always @(posedge clk) begin
    if (rst == 1) begin
        inp_registered = 0;
    else begin
        inp_registered = inp;