Electronic – Determining Battery holder wiring


I'm looking for a battery holder for 3-4 AA or AAA batteries in series (I'm targeting an output voltage of 4.5~6V).

I found a variety of options on Mouser, but the problem is I can't tell if they batteries are wired up in parallel or in series. What part of the datasheet should I be looking for to determine the output voltage? Or is there a given standard somewhere which describes what the wiring is for each holder type?

Option 1: 2×2 AAA battery holder

Option 2: 4×1 AA battery holder

Option 3: 2×2 AA battery holder

Option 4: Any other recommendations you know will work

Best Answer

They'll be in series. Placing power supplies (batteries or otherwise) directly in parallel is always a Bad Idea™. Voltages are never quite the same, and the batteries' relatively low internal resistance will cause a large current from one battery to the other, which isn't fun for either of them.