Electronic – Differential voltage to current converter

amplifierbuffercircuit analysisdifferentialoperational-amplifier

I have this circuit to solve:

enter image description here

with \$R_2=R_3\$ and \$R_4=R_5\$. I want to find the transfer function between \$I_{\text{out}}\$ and \$V_{\text{in}}\$ (differential).
I'm trying to use superposition, but the math is very long. Do you have any other idea on how to solve it?
Any hint?

I've divided \$V_{\text{in}}\$ in \$V_1\$ and \$V_2\$, and tried superposition. I've found the current on \$R_2\$ and \$R_4\$, but I'm having a problem finding out a relation between \$V_{\text{x}}\$ and \$I_{\text{out}}\$ in order to solve the system.

Best Answer

The following simplifies all the calculations:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab


  • Opamp terminals draw zero current. So the current directions are as above.
  • Write the equations for \$i_n\$ then solve for \$V_k\$ (1).
  • Write the equations for \$i_p\$ then solve for \$V_k\$ (2).
  • From (1) = (2), you'll find a nice relation between \$(V_p - V_n)\$ and \$(V_x - V_o)\$
  • Finally, since \$i_o=(V_x - V_o) / R_1\$, you'll obtain the relationship between \$i_o\$ and \$(V_p - V_n)\$.

I have the result, but don't ask me the full calculations. All the info you need are above.