Electronic – Distortion in the output of amplifier circuit using uA741 + schematics and graphs


I'm simulating an audio amplifier with uA741 in pspice (student version).
The input signal is a 0.1v (100mv) sine wave with frequency between 1kHz and 10kHz. The theoretical gain is 33 but in simulation, the gain of output is only 3 and we have DC shift and distortion. The slew rate is 0.5 v/us and if we calculate the max slew rate needed for my input signal using the formula below, we get a value much smaller than slew rate of uA741.

slew rate = 2 PI x f x Vpk /10^6 = 0.006283 v/us

So the problem is not slew rate. When I replace the uA741 with "OPAMP" in pspice (which is ideal opamp) there is no distortion in the output. What do you think is the reason for this distortion?

Here are the schematic and input(red)/outputs(green) graphs:
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

You are seriously overloading the 741. The datasheet says the typical output short-circuit current is only 25 mA - with your 8 ohm load, that should only give a 400 mV peak-peak output - and that is assuming a +/-15 volt power supply.