Optical Fibre – Do Electronic Fiber Optic Selector Switches Exist?


From my research, I have been having a tough time finding and specifying a fiber optic selector switch or multiplexer. Do fiber optic selector switches exist?

Background – Simple

I have an application with a not-cheap sensor that does the following:

  1. Sensor emits light
  2. Light travels and hits an object
  3. The object absorbs some of the light, and also reflects some back
  4. Sensor receives returned light
  5. Sensor processes the change and reports a sensed value

You can have the object be far away from the sensor via the use of a fiber optic cable. I do so, and it works great.

As a cost savings, I would like to have one sensor be able to senses from multiple different objects. This can be done using a bunch of fiber optic cables and a fiber optic selector switch or a multiplexer.

Background – Detailed

To be more detailed:

  • Sensor is a pH sensor, EOM-pH-mini.
  • Object is a small pH sensor spot, SP-HP5
  • Fiber optic cable is polymer, POF

Diagram of Fiber Optics


Does anyone here have experience in this area? In case you can't tell, I have none. Can you please provide insight into:

  • Suggestions of fiber optic selector switches
  • Important parameters in specifying the switch
  • If this is even possible?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best Answer

Yes, this product exists.

It can be made using MEMS technology, as an electromechanical device (a relay with a fiber attached to the armature), or motorized (and probably other technologies).

Important characteristics are

  • fiber type compatibility (single-mode or multi-mode, and what core diameter)

  • insertion loss

  • return loss

  • wavelength compatibility

  • number of inputs and outputs

  • switching cycle durability

  • power consumption

  • switching speed

  • control interface

  • ...

There are numerous vendors for these products. You can start searching them by looking in trade magazines like Laser Focus World and Photonics Spectra, or from exhibitor lists at trade shows like OFC (Optical Fiber Conference) and Photonics West.

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