How to Drive LED with Open-Drain Active-Low Signal


I am planning on using an IC ( which has the following output pin:

enter image description here

It is an open-drain active-low backup indicator. The BKUPB is held low when the part is in backup mode. I would like an LED to light up when the IC is in backup mode.

I was wondering, is the following solution okay:

enter image description here

Do I need an additional resistor in series with the PMOS gate to limit current to the gate?

Best Answer

Depending on BKUPB current capabilities you could just connect the LED cathode to the port pin and the anode to a current limiting resistor and then to 5V.

Updated schematic to show ~1.5mA draw with a 2.5kΩ resistor.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Below is the other common way to do it using an P-Channel enhancement mode MOSFET , and then you don't have to worry about the current draw of your open collector pin.


simulate this circuit