Electronic – Excessive latency in inter-FPGA communication


I have 4 Spartan 6 FPGAs connected through 64-bit lanes, forming a line. (That is, FPGA1 is connected to FPGA2, FPGA2 is connected to FPGA3, and FPGA3 is connected to FPGA4.)

I have split each 64-bit lane into two 32-bit lanes, one for each "direction". I then connect the 32-bit lanes to form a big loopback from FPGA1 to FPGA4 and back.

When testing this loopback (where FPGA1 drives the test) with a "walking 1" travelling every 100 clock cycles, I notice that the loopback is flaky (bit 7 doesn't go high quickly enough, it seems). When I reduce the walking 1 speed to move every 1000 clock cycles, the test passes.

FPGA1 is clocked at 20 MHz, so 100 cycles is 5 micro seconds. Does a signal really need more than 5 micro seconds to travel from FPGA1 to FPGA4 and back? What could be causing this excessive latency? (The FPGAs are on the same board, closely routed to one another.)

Best Answer

\$5\mu s\$ is a lot slower than I would expect for a naive implementation, so you may have some other issues. Check the Floorplanner or FPGA Editor to see what the routed design actually looks like. You can try adding a "pad to pad" timing constraint if you have not done so already.

But in general, asynchronous designs are discouraged for FPGAs. I am not sure what your purpose is, but for inter-chip communication, the best practice is to implement some form of clocked interface.