Electronic – fading out effect on a bunch of LEDs


I am trying to make a bunch of LEDs fade out when they are turned off. The task is quite simple for a single LED by using a 1000uF capacitor to produce a time delay as in the following circuit:
enter image description here

The other possibility is using Arduino analogWrite() function and get my work done but I don't want to use any microcontroller.

When I try to make it work for like 25 LED in parallel. The capacitance needed grows quadratically to store that much energy. Is there any other way of getting this effect to work which does not involve the usage of a lot of capacitors and neither a giant one.

Note: Please add tags to this question that are more relevant as I could not find many.

Best Answer

If you don't mind experimenting around a little bit with the timing you can use something like that:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

R1 and C1 set the transient behaviour, R2 is only to limit the current over the switch, dont make it too large. If you don't care about losses you can also use a N-channel MOSFET instead. R1 and C1 have to be between G and GND, R2 and SW1 between D and G. The N-channel circuit gives you a better control about the fading (if you want to produce your circuit in large quantities) but you will always have a dropout voltage of Vth from D to S.