Electronic – Finding equivalent resistance for time constant in R-C circuit

capacitorcircuit analysisresistorsthevenin

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Given the first order circuit above. The switch has been closed for a long time and is opened at \$t=0\$. Find the equation for the voltage \$vc(t)\$ across the capacitor after the switch has been opened.

I have determined that \$vc(0)=7.619 V\$, but cannot find the time constant.

Here is my work for attempting to get \$R_{th}\$.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Since this is a homework question, I will give an extended hint as an "answer". First, consider what the 'R' portion of the RC time constant means. This is the resistance which the capacitor must discharge through to fall to \$e^{-1}\$ of its original value. We know that the switch is open, so the left side of the circuit is effectively disconnected, we are concerned only with the right side of the circuit (to the right of the switch, including the 50 K resistor).

Normally, if we have only independent sources, we can remove them (by short-circuiting ideal V sources and open-circuiting ideal I sources), but this circuit has a dependent current source, so we cannot do that as easily. However, the circuit is linear, so we can still find the equivalent resistor from the perspective of the capacitor, which is what you have to do to solve for the time constant.

Recall the procedure to find the Thevenin resistance in a case with dependent sources. This is done by applying a test voltage (for example \$V_{test} = 1 V\$) at the terminals, and finding the resulting current (\$I_{test}\$). The equivalent resistance is then \$R_{Th}=\dfrac{V_{test}}{I_{test}}\$.