Electronic – For remoting 1000Base-T ethernet connector, is it better to remote PHY from magnetics or magnetics from connector


I'm in need of remoting the gigabit ethernet connector from the main board to a back end board that has all the other connectors. I plan on doing this with a high speed board to board connector (Samtec QRF8-026-05.0-L-D-A-GP which has a ground plane and using extra pins to separate the differential pairs), but I don't know if it is less damaging to signal integrity to remote the PHY from the magnetics and have the magnetics in the same board as the connector (built-in magnetics are not an option), or have the magnetics on the main board and remote the connector alone. This is under 1.5 inches of remoting overall.

One restriction is that the board area in the connector board is very limited.

I know that ideally they should all be on the same board but remoting the connector will help a lot in the overall design of the product.


If at all possible, please explain your answer in terms of the physics involved.

Best Answer

Put the magnetics close to the phy. Put the phy close to the mac. Run the "connector side" of the magnetics a long distance-- after all, isn't that what it's designed for, running long distances? Running the RGMII or GMII signals a long distance, and board to board, is not impossible but far from ideal or easy.

I do recommend shielding the cable/connections from the magnetics to the connector if you're running them any reasonable distance. This is so you don't pick up too much emi from inside the chassis, or taking emi from outside the chassis and bring it inside.

I should also say that I've done this successfully, several times, for several different products that are in volume production.