Electronic – Frequency response of an input with a phase (steady state)

control systemfrequency responsephase shiftsteady statetransfer function

I know that, at steady state, the frequency response can be calculated relatively easily from the transfer function and the frequency of the input.

So if we have a system described by the transfer function \$ G(s) \$ then we have (again, at steady state):
u(t) = u_0 \sin(\omega t) \\
Y(s) = G(s) \cdot U(s) \\
|G(j\omega)|=\frac{y_0}{u_0} \\
\angle G(j\omega) = \phi \\
\implies y(t)=|G(j\omega)|u_0 \sin(\omega t+\phi)\\

I never saw anywhere any comments in the many text books I read about a signal with a phase as an input.

Say I have this \$ u(t) \$ (the excitation) instead of the sine with a zero phase:
u(t)=u_0 \sin(\omega t + \theta)

I wonder what will happen. Does the relationships mentioned above still hold true, or not. How can I calculate \$ \phi \$ and \$ y_0/u_0 \$ while accounting for the input phase \$ \theta \$?

I would have difficulty to believe the presence of \$ \theta \$ would not have any effect on the steady state output…

Best Answer

Your input is a pure sine wave. Let's call it $$x(t)=A\sin(\omega t)$$

Lets further say that input \$x(t)\$ will produce output \$y(t)\$.

Now, let's change the input to $$x^{'}(t)=A\sin(\omega t +\phi)$$ Because this is a pure sine wave of the same frequency of \$x(t)\$, you can represent the new input as a time delay of the original input. Thus, $$x^{'}(t) = x(t-t_{0})$$

Time invariance now says that the output will be a time delayed version of the original output: $$y^{'}(t) = y(t-t_{0})$$