Electronic – “General purpose” current limiter


I have been trying for a few weeks to create a current limiter that fills my needs but I have failed. Idon't even know if it's possible. Basically I want to make a current limiter that can work with many different applications. In this case linear power supplies. I want a current limiter that follows:

Adjustable 10mA – 3A

Easily customizable, i.e if i want to change the limiter from maybe 10mA to 1A or 1mA to 500mA etc.

I want the current to go through a NPN power transistor.

Is there a circuit available that can do all this? I have tried to simulate a few with a lot of googling but i have not found one yet.

I recently started reading about op-amps and tried to make a limiter using that. But I didn't really know where to begin.

Any tips on how to build this is appreciated!

Best Answer

I give you a simple idea of universal current limiter with this circuit:

enter image description here

You can get curent limitter by adjusting the potentiometer of 5k, and you can modify the 0.5Ω resistor to get a different value of current limitation.

Be careful: R=0.5Ω is a 10W power risistor like this one:

enter image description here

The input voltage can be from 12V to 50V, but at the maximum voltage you may need a heat sink on the power transistor 2N3055.