Electronic – GND in a DC circuit with circuit board


I wonder a question. Let's say I use a circuit board in a project (the left hand side on image below, not the Verabod), and I want to solder a circuit on it.

Circuit board

For example, I want to use the circuit below, the DC/DC converter using NE555:
DC/DC converter using NE555
How should I do with the GND? I mean in this "portable" circuit board.

Should I just lead those line connecting to GND to an empty circuit board track?

I just have a research online and I find out something. So, does it mean the circuit 1 is equal to circuit 2? Which all Ground is connected back to the negative pole of battery.


Circuit 1


Circuit 2

Best Answer

Based on the picture in the question you have a PCB stripboard such as following

enter image description here

So I would layout the components such that all the pin connected to ground use one strip. Also Circuit 1) and Circuit 2) are both the same with respect to GND.

I suggest that you look at fritzing. They have tools that will help you layout the board on CAD before you start soildering. Below are some links that might be of interest to you.
