Electronic – Gyrator Derivation


I am trying to understand the input impedance calculation of this Gyrator circuit from Wikipedia.

enter image description here

The input impedance Zin is given as:

enter image description here

I am having trouble deriving this. My first reaction was to say Zin = Vin/Iin and setup a system of 4 equations to solve this. The math is not giving me an elegant answer like in the Wikipedia article. I am ending up with a far more complicated solution. Am I missing some easier approach to see the solution? It seems like the solution in the article the author right away sees that the Zin of the top branch is Rl + jwRlRC and the Zin of the bottom branch is (R+ 1/jwC). I don't see how he/she gets that tho.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The way I approach this is to initially assume that the combined impedance of C and R is very high. Then I calculate the output voltage of the op-amp: -


Then I calculate the voltage across \$R_L\$: -

$$V_{IN}\cdot (1 - \dfrac{sCR}{1+sCR})$$ $$=\dfrac{V_{IN}}{1+sCR}$$

And, because: - $$I_{IN} = \dfrac{V_{IN}}{R_L+sCRR_L}$$

$$Z_{IN}=\dfrac{V_{IN}}{I_{IN}}=R_L +sCRR_L$$

In other words an inductance of \$CRR_L\$ in series with resistance \$R_L\$.