Electronic – Help by identifying a smd FET in Philips Hue power supply

identificationpower supply

One of our Philips Hue lamps died recently and I found that the power supply is the reason.
Two resistors burned (most likely due overvoltage from the mains).
However there a SOT-23 packaged component that I couldn't identify.

Probably this is a http://www.alfa-mos.com/datasheet/HVMOS/AFN501DEA.pdf, but I'm not sure. Check the photo below, "501de".
Unfortunately, I didn't find an alternative/replacement component for this. Could somebody help to find one?

component - question

hue power supply

ps top view

Best Answer

My guess would be it's an SMS501DE. These are marked "501DE" according to the datasheet.

Googling "SMS501DE replacement" even shows places where you can buy one.