Hex Inverter Oscillator – Design and Function


I stumbled across this clock generator, and it is new to me.
I'd like to calculate its frequency (actually min and max, since there is a trimmer), but I don't know how to do, since similar oscillator looks simpler than this.

I tried to simulate this schematic, but it didn't work.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This design might fail on some simulators if the internal ESD diodes are not included.

The gain margin frequency have not have enough gain at the limited slew rate where the frequency is unity gain to produce an output. If AC noise at Vdd/2 the 2nd stage is less than the offset voltage from mismatched FETs , it may not oscillate and just stay at 2.5V

I could simulate failure without diodes and success with internal diodes here.

enter image description here

As for frequency, guess what RC=T is when the ramp goes from diode drop outside rail to Vd/2. Hint f=1/2T with some tolerance for thresholds +/-25%