Electronic – Hobbyist Leaded Solder


I'm not asking about the safety of which solder, I'm asking about which type of solder would be best for my purposes

I'm a novice electronic hobbyist and I just want to know what composition of solder should I get that will do the job the best, for the best price. There are many different compositions of solder wire and I really don't know which would be best for some simple circuit soldering.

If someone could breakdown what solder they would get for hobbyist purpose, could you let me know. In addition could you breakdown what metal composition of leaded solder, lead free, and tin-lead, would be suffice for my purposes.

Best Answer

A hobbyist isn't constrained by rules like ROHS or anything. Your only constraints are your soldering iron, and the availability of getting solder.

63/37 Tin/Lead Rosin Core is a relatively low temperature, easy to use, easy to find solder commonly used by hobbyists. Choose the size depending on what you are going to solder (the bigger the parts, the larger the solder you want). 60/40 Tin/Lead is also commonly used. You can try 62/36/2 Tin/Lead/Silver if you want to get fancy.

Best advice, don't sweat the small stuff :D