Electronic – How does a structural architecture know which entity to use


So I'm following this tutorial in which they explain some basic VHDL by using a four bit adder as an example:

-- Example of a four bit adder
library  ieee;
use  ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

-- definition of a full adder
entity FULLADDER is
     port (a, b, c: in std_logic;
           sum, carry: out std_logic);
     end FULLADDER;
architecture fulladder_behav of FULLADDER is
sum <= (a xor b) xor c ;
carry <= (a and b) or (c and (a xor b));
     end fulladder_behav;
     -- 4-bit adder

library  ieee;
use  ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity FOURBITADD is
     port (a, b: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
           Cin : in std_logic;
                sum: out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
                Cout, V: out std_logic);
     end FOURBITADD;
architecture fouradder_structure of FOURBITADD is
     signal c: std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
component FULLADDER
           port(a, b, c: in std_logic;
sum, carry: out std_logic);
           end component;
           FA0: FULLADDER
                port map (a(0), b(0), Cin, sum(0), c(1));
           FA1: FULLADDER
                port map (a(1), b(1), C(1), sum(1), c(2));
           FA2: FULLADDER
                port map (a(2), b(2), C(2), sum(2), c(3));
           FA3: FULLADDER
                port map (a(3), b(3), C(3), sum(3), c(4));
           V <= c(3) xor c(4);
           Cout <= c(4);
end fouradder_structure;

I am trying to understand why the component part in the fouradder_structure has to redefine the ports used in the FULLADDER entity; they both contain the following parts:

port(a, b, c: in std_logic;
sum, carry: out std_logic);

I then read somewhere that component defines the interface that the fouradder_structure is expecting. That would explain why entity and component both need to declare the used ports, but then how does the fouradder_structure know to use the FULLADDER entity that was defined previously? Is it a naming convention?

TL;DR, how is the architecture fouradder_structure aware it has to use the entity FULLADDER?

Best Answer

If you don't specify which architecture an entity instantiation is going to use, it uses the most recently compiled architecture for that entity.

Personally I would use direct entity instantiation. To use this, delete the component declaration (component FULLADDER ...), and instantiate it thus:

FA0: entity work.FULLADDER(fulladder_behav)
port map ( ...

In this way you can easily see which architecture is being used, and you save yourself having to maintain a component declaration as well as the instantiation.

If you don't want to do this for some reason, look at using configurations.