Electronic – How to bias(voltage offset) unity gain buffer


First post so sorry for any bad formatting.

I'm trying to figure out how to bias my signal going through a non-inverting op amp with a gain of 1. Because I want a gain one just 1, it would just be a unity gain buffer with the signal as the input.

1) Lets say the incoming signal is biased at 0V with signal going from -2.5 to 2.5V. How do I bias at 2.5 with signal going from 0 to 5V.

2) How about re-biasing from 2.5V to 1.65V?

Thanks for any input!

Best Answer

If it's AC, the easiest way is to pass it through a capacitor, then add a high value resistor pulling the signal towards a virtual ground which you would set at 2.5v.

I searched a bit, and it's pretty easy to do with DC as well. You can use this circuit: enter image description here

Source/explaination here