Electronic – How to Connect this Crocodile Clips to the Multimeter?


I got crocodile clips with my multimeter, but no cable with them. The tips of the probes I have, do not fit into the plug on the crocodile clips.

Crocodile Clip

How do I connect them to my multimeter? What kind of cable do I need?

I assume this is some kind of standard connector, I searched around but did not find anything useful. Seems I just lack the exact name of this kind of connector.

Update: The multimeter is a Testo 760-3 with the default probes. They have a small ~2mm conic tip.

Here a picture of the probe tip:

Probe Tip

Best Answer

My guess would be that the clip is intended to fit over the probe but it is being stopped from doing so by the plastic sheidling on the probe tip.

On some probes the plastic shielding on the tip is removable. It may be that you need to remove it to use the croc clip. It may also be that the vendor screwed up and shippped clips that were not compatible with the test leads.