Electronic – How to constrain input delay for a multidimenionsal input vector


I am defining SDC input constraints for synthesis of a small module that is part of a larger ASIC design. I plan to run the module through synthesis using Synopsys tools. A few of the inputs to this module are multidimensional arrays. For example:

input signed [15:0] data_x [3:0][1:0],

data_x is a 3 dimensional vector.

For a vector such as

input signed [15:0] data_y,

to define the input delay, the constraint would be

set_input_delay -clock [get_clock clk] 5000 [get_ports data_y\[*\]]

However, for a multidimensional array input, the following wildcard setup does not appear to match the inputs:

set_input_delay -clock [get_clock clk] 5000 [get_ports data_x\[*\]\[*\]\[*\]]

The following works, but matches other internal signals in the design( such as data_x_d, which is undesirable):

set_input_delay -clock [get_clock clk] 5000 [get_ports data_x*]

Is there a way to specify the name with a wildcard to correctly identify all ports in a multidimensional array?

Best Answer

There is a -regexp option for get_posts. Try:

set_input_delay -clock [get_clock clk] 5000 [get_ports -regexp data_x\[\d+\]\[\d+\]\[\d+\]]

You can get bus ports by their base name. Not sure it it works on multi-dimensional arrays. So this might also work:

set_input_delay -clock [get_clock clk] 5000 [get_ports data_x]