Electronic – How to define VHDL entity with two architectures


Currently I have one 'adder' entity with two architectures: (1) RippleCarryAdder (2) CarryLookAheadAdder.

I put all the definitions in one single VHDL file as below:

entity adder is
generic (N: integer := 16);
  Port ( Cin : in  STD_LOGIC;
      x : in  std_logic_vector (N - 1 downto 0);
      y : in  std_logic_vector (N - 1 downto 0);
      s : out  std_logic_vector (N - 1 downto 0);
      Cout : out  STD_LOGIC);
end adder;

architecture RippleCarryAdder of adder is
end RippleCarryAdder;

architecture CarryLookAheadAdder of adder is
end CarryLookAheadAdder 

Using ISE 14.7 Xilinx I can see that the tool has difficulty to properly distinguish two architectures associated to 'adder' entity. It only recognizes the last architecture specified in the file (in this case 'CarryLookAheadAdder').

I guess there is something with file domain, or maybe some rules that govern the architecture declaration which I am not aware of. Strange that the VHDL documentation has not talked about multiple architecture and file structure. Should I use two files, and copy entity declaration in both of them? Can you point to a page that properly discusses multiple architectures format supported by Xilinx ISE? (for example configuration keyword is not supported and I have to resort to another format to bound architectures.)

Best Answer

  1. To use multiple architectures in a single entity, the structure you're looking for (I believe) is configurations. I could never make heads or tails of configurations, and the usage is arcane as best I can tell. Best of luck if you try it.
  2. The half-assed way of doing it would be to use an if generate statement with a generic parameter selecting which instantiation to use. This requires having seperate entities for each architecture, and third entity to act as a wrapper around the generate statement.
  3. The really lazy way would be to just directly instantiate your HalfAdder and RippleCarryAdder as seperate modules, and ignore the headache altogether.

I've never attempted any of this, and I haven't used ISE in years. I don't know if it does support funky configurations, and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if didn't. Like everyone else was saying, I'd suggest upgrading to Vivado