Electronic – How to describe this circuit



simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Yes, this circuit diagram is correct. No, I did not design it.

How do I describe this circuit in words? I thought about "a switch and light bulb in parallel, instead of series" but the circuit is so bizarre that I want to make sure what I am saying is unambiguous.

I cannot insert a schematic/picture/diagram/drawing, and I have a fairly tight word limit.

If anyone knows the tags for this question, add them.

EDIT (due to interest from the comments): The circuit was made by my 3rd grade teacher for an electricity test (when she thought the questions from the curriculum were too hard for us…)

EDIT 2: No, this is not a fancy NOT gate. The question was "What will happen when the switch closes" and the teacher-accepted answer being "Lightbulb turns on"

Best Answer

How do I describe this circuit?

Do you want subjective opinion? Or technical description?

Subjective opinion would be: this circuit is badly designed, no matter what problem the designer tried to solve.

Technical description would be: it is a battery killer with stand-by indicator.

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