Electronic – How to do this source transformation/Reduce this circuit


I've seen and solved many examples but I'm stuck here . Maybe I'm confused as to what is parallel and what is in series here. enter image description here

I can do the transformations up to the 1A current source but I can't isolate a parallel resistance for it so I can transform. It's most likely simple . Can I add it with the current source on the left as if it has zero resistance ?enter image description here

PS:This is from the unsolved problems section of a textbook I'm studying and it is no homework.

Best Answer

This looks like homework so I'm not going to give you a full solution, but I will tell you that the next step is to convert the 4A current source with parallel resistor into a voltage source with series resistor.

EDIT: After getting a 2A current source in parallel with 20 ohms, the next step is to combine the 2A and 1A sources. Current sources in parallel add, just like voltage sources in series.

By the way, the voltage is 40V, not 4V.