Electronic – How to find out whether I have a unipolar or a bipolar stepper motor

motorstepper motor

I have one stepper motor.

There are six wires coming out of that.

How can I find out weather I have a bipolar or a unipolar stepper motor?

Note: Related, but not a duplicate: Unipolar and Bipolar Stepper motors

Best Answer

You have a third type of motor: A "Universal" motor.

This is a motor can can be configured as either a unipolar or a bipolar motor.

General rules:

  • 4 Wires: Bipolar only
  • 5 Wires: Unipolar only
  • 6 Wires: Universal
  • 8 Wires: Universal

A unipolar only motor has the center of both windings connected together internally. This precludes the use of the motor in a bipolar system.

With a motor with six leads, if you connect the leads from the center of each winding together, you get a unipolar motor. If you leave the center connections unconnected, and drive each winding using only the connections to the winding ends, you are using it in bipolar mode.