Electronic – How to i connect laptop webcam RJ E85792 CK 77 94v-0 wire to usb cable


Camera wire colours

  1. Unshield
  2. Green
  3. Yellow
  4. Orange
  5. Red
  6. White
  7. Brown
  8. Unshield

enter image description here

Best Answer

I had the same problem on a webcam salvaged from an eeepc, model e85792 ck77 94v-0, very similar to yours, only the wiring colors were different. Here is a picture: enter image description here

I couldn't make it work but here is a semi-answer, so maybe you can. Please note that I have very little knowledge of electronics.

I couldn't find any datasheet for this webcam so I tried on my own with a multimeter. In my case, there were, from left to right (bottom to top on your image):

  • a single black cable (GND)
  • a red and a brown cable, intertwined (DATA +/-)
  • a single orange cable (VCC)
  • 4 other cables which I assume are for the microphone

As you can see here, you will need 2 1N4001 Diodes, but I had none so I used 1N4007, in the same design as on the link. I had the exact same result by connecting directly (without diodes) the GND and VCC to a 3.3V power supply.

I connected those cables to the USB, on which red is VCC and black is GND, and tried both wirings for DATA cables.

This worked, as my computer showed a "USB2.0 webcam is plugged in" notice message (instant nerdgasm).

Unfortunately, as soon as I launched the "Camera" Windows 10 application, the webcam just rebooted indefinitely, with a LED flashing along with a USB plug-unplug sound each time.

If you are still trying, I'd be glad to hear your feedback.