Electronic – How to prevent eagle from attempting a specific route


I'm using the eagle autorouter to route my PCB because it makes cleaner tracks than if I did it myself. One problem I have is that sometimes it insists on attempting to make the same connection over and over again even though in the end the connection is not optimal (and I know this because on some routing attempts, I scored 100%). I'd rather block these bad attempts so that routing can complete faster.

Could I somehow block it by drawing a line to act as a "fence" so that routed tracks can't go through it? If so, what line and what layer? or is this even possible?

Best Answer

To actually answer your question...

In the board editor, go to layers 'tRestrict' and 'bRestrict'. With these layers selected, you can draw polygons that restrict traces from certain areas on the top and bottom layers respectively. The auto-router will then not place traces in the areas you specify.