PCB Design – How to Achieve Ultra Low-Profile PCB Stacking


Recently I found myself needing to stack two small circuit boards on top of each other for a modulation project. The problem is that the areas I want to connect together on the two boards have no components or traces on them, and traditional pin-style stack ups (even machine headers) leave an unwanted gap between boards.

How can I stack the boards flush with on another and have a minimal gap between them?

I have seen This Question which shows an approach to stack boards permanently flush together, but I need a solution that is removable.

Best Answer

What you need is a new Sycamore contact. They allow you to plug boards together with minimal spacing in between. This is especially useful when making add-ons for a basic board which can be replaced and upgraded.

I would advise you to put a via through the edge of the contact pads (if possible) to prevent the connector ripping off the board in high-stress applications. You will be surprised how long they last!


There are several variations for different pin sizes and top/bottom entry:

Part #s

Here is a video: Sycamore Contact

This will require compatible male pins on your second board. For my application, female pin headers with long male legs will work, but there may come a time when you wish to attach boards without any noticeable protrusions on either board. SMD male pins that I have found so far are not adequate because they leave a gap between boards. Feel free to comment useful part #s below.

Edit: I found that Escutcheon pins are a great alternative to pin headers for a protrusion-free connection to the Sycamore contact:

Gold Plated Pins

The pins are gold-plated for a longer contact life. Add a thin strip of spongy adhesive between the boards and you're good to go!

Spongy Adhesive