Electronic – How to use CR2032 in parallel


I want to use multiple CR2032 batteries in parallel for higher capacity in a wireless RF remote (1.8-3.8 V working range for the RF MCU).

CR3032 is an option but I rejected it due to price and availability concerns. CR2032 cells are readily available and cheap.

Since primary cells shouldn't be charged, I feel that some circuit has to be in place to avoid it.

Is it feasible? If yes, what are my options?

Is there a standard part that I can put on each battery? This part should have a negligible voltage drop and should block reverse current.

Diodes are the standard parts that come to my mind but I fear they will take away a big chunk of operational capacity.

Below is the discharge graph of a typical coin cell:

cr2032 curves

Is it advisable to use a 220 mV schottky diode for reverse polarity and reverse current protection?

Best Answer

Just wire them in parallel. nothing bad will happen.

Tell users not to mix fresh and depleted cells. (like every instruction manual does)