Electronic – HX711 on-chip analog supply regulator, the mistake or datasheet mistake

power supplyvoltage dividervoltage-referencevoltage-regulator

Most HX711 boards use an external transistor to supply regulated power for the load cells, the voltage output (called VAVDD) is calculated using this formula from the datasheet: VAVDD = VBG*(R1+R2)/R1

Consulting this schematic from Sparkfun (image bellow) we can see that R1 = 20K and R2= 8.2K, given that VBG is 1.25v, the formula comes to 1.76V which is not the real output, the output is around 4.3V (my own board outputs 4.5V with R1= 4.7K and R2= 1.8K).

enter image description here

Am I missing something or is the formula mistyped and should read: VAVDD = VBG*(R1+R2)/R2?

Using the formula above you get the correct voltage output, also it can be derived using the 1.25V reference and the voltage divider:

1.25 = VAVDD * R2/(R1+R2) <=>

VAVDD = 1.25/(R2/(R1+R2)) <=>

VAVDD = 1.25 * (R1+R2)/R2

Best Answer

The comments on the SparkFun page for this product talk about this. To quote Member #461211:

The formula for the output voltage AVDD appears wrong in the HX711 datasheet and the SparkFun schematic. I think it should be VAVDD = VBG*(R1+R2)/R2 … not R1 in the denominator. My derivation and measurements support this. I had to dig into this to use VSUP = DVDD = 3.3 V and change the 20 KΩ resistor to a 10 KΩ for a different load cell excitation voltage.

In short you are right, and not the first to observe this error. I encountered this myself not too long ago. Small world :).

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