ALU – Understanding the Attached ALU (6 Control Bits)


I have an Arithmetic Logic Unit, as shown below (I also included a CircuitJS simulation of it, so it will be much easier to understand the inner working of said ALU).

‘x’ and ‘y’ are the 4-bit input nibbles (operands). (The ALU accepts Natural Binary Code as well as U2 negative numbers [Unfortunately I don’t know why, but “it just works…” – my lecturer has not explained it thoroughly, probably because of the lack of time] ); ‘zx’ basically zeroes the entire ‘x’ nibble regardless of what is currently written to it; ‘nx’ negates the ‘x’ nibble (it, however, may be possible to firstly zero the ‘x’ nibble and then negate it to achieve a nibble consisting of ones – 1111).

The same logic applies to ‘zy’ and ‘ny’. The ‘f’ input controls the operation done by the ALU. If ‘f’ is equal to 0, the ALU performs a logical AND operation. If, however, it is equal to 1, then the ALU performs an arithmetical sum operation (there is a full adder inside the ALU). The ‘no’ input simply negates the output of the ALU.

Below I attached an example table consisting of input values and expected results. Now my question is: How can I work out the combination of the inputs ‘zx’, ‘nx’, ‘zy’, ‘ny’, ‘f’ and ‘no’ that will give me these results: -x, x-y, y-x, x+1, y+1? The answers are shown below, in the after-mentioned table.

I understand the logic behind the other combinations, they are pretty trivial to work out (besides the ‘x OR y’, that requires the De’Morgan’s theorem), but I have no idea, how one could work out the required combinations for the mentioned results. I checked the combinations shown in the attached table, and they all seem to work, but I cannot imagine that someone plugged random combinations, observed the output and, using his/her mind worked out what they must have done… It’s pretty hard to wrap my head around this stuff. Thanks for every, even little bit of help :).

The ALU in-question:
Used ALU

The table with inputs and expected outputs:
Table showing the working of ALU in-question

Here is the link to a paste that includes the code, which can be used in CircuitJS simulator: ALU simulation code

You can test the ALU by yourself by going to this website: CircuitJS, pressing FileImport From Text… and pasting the copied code.

Best Answer

Important is to understand how negative numbers in binary work.

2 bit Two's complement (how to pass from positive 1 to negative 1):

var  binary   decimal
 a    01         1
!a    10         undefined with 2 bits
!a+1  11         -1

3 bit two's complement (same as before)

var  binary   decimal
 a    001         1
!a    110         -2
!a+1  111         -1

So from here we can see that just inverting the variable/output is the negative/inverse (multiplied by -1) representation of the output -1.

!x = -x-1
!(x+y) = -(x+y)-1 = -x-y-1
!(!x+y) = -(-x-1+y)-1 = x+1-y-1 = x-y
!(!x+!y) = -(-x-1-y-1)-1 = x+y+1

Here is an approach (with thought process) that might help you.

Starting from the output, working your way to the input you can see the following: Output is Q Before the last Mux lets call it Q'

  • n0 selects is you want Q' or !Q'

Lets call the last muxer M and the before last M'

  • f selects Output from the One bit ADDER or from the AND

Looking at what comes out of the initial MUXs on the left you can see that n(x/y) and z(x/y) select what gets input to the AND and the ADDER.

so given that you are looking for each of the following cases:

" 0-x, x-y, y-x, x+1, y+1 "

you can already conclude that f needs to select the output from the adder, so f=1

y+1, x+1, 0-x only involve one variable either x or y so the other one will be a fixed value either 0 or 1 (+5V)

y+1: --> zx = 1

x+1, 0-x : --> zy = 1

y+1 and x+1 seems as simple additions but you have no way of representing a +1, if you set nx or ny to 1 you will respresent a "-1" , so you can change x+1 to x-(-1)

so after solving the x-y or y-x you should be able to figure that out.

so x - y is adding x to the 2 complement negative representation of y, that is x+!y+1 , but where are you going to get that +1 from?

Think about what inverting the output of the adder will do...If you negate the output of the adder you will get the negative representation of the sum -1

e.g. 2+1 = 3 --> !3 = -4 --> -(2+1)-1

e.g. -2-1 = -3 --> !(-3) = 2 --> -(-2-1)-1

!(x - y) --> -(x-y)-1 = -x + y -1 = y-x-1 = y +(-x) -1

-x --> !x +1

y + !x +1 -1 --> y + !x

so, that defines that for x-y we want

y pass through , ny = zy = 0,

x inverted , nx = 1, zy =0

f = 1 , output of the adder

n0 = 1, adder output inverted

I believe you should be able to figure out the rest from here on.

Cheers, Pau