Electronic – {IC pins} Leave Floating vs Leave Open


This might be a newbie question, but I have always heard these terms interchangeably and never given it another thought. Recently I have seen them used differently in data sheets for a board I am designing and I am unsure what the distinction is between the two.

I assumed they both meant to just have it connected to a solder pad that goes nowhere. Is this incorrect?

Best Answer

I believe...

Leave Floating : Is meant for inputs. The pad is literally floating and is free to receive whatever noise is buzzing around your circuitry. Generally not a good idea for CMOS parts unless dictated by the part spec.

Leave Open : Is for outputs. The pad on "Leave Open" is being driven by the pin if the pin is active.

Which term you use for bidirectional pins is debateable. I'd assume because the input side is always active "Leave Floating" would be the prime suspect.