Electronic – Ideal Op Amp in Closed Loop


The ideal op-amp in open loop, has a frequency response with infinite bandwidth. What about an ideal op amp in closed loop (inverting, non-inverting etc.) configuration? Does it (still being an ideal op amp although now in closed loop) also have a frequency response with infinite bandwidth?

Best Answer

Yes, if the other components are ideal too and there is no parasitic capacitance, series inductance, etc. With these effects, every resistor has a non-flat frequency response. Since your feedback path will contain resistors, the frequency response will likewise be non-flat.

Then there are other considerations depending on how obsessive you want to get. Regardless of how ideal the opamp may be, there will be some finite propagation time of the feedback signal back to a opamp input. This represents a different phase shift at different frequencies, which will again make the frequency response non-flat and can make the whole system unstable.