Electronic – Identify this flat connector


What is this connector (and the eventual pliers used for it) that serves for Wago 256 terminals.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Those look like ordinary insulated crimp ferrules. A search for "ferrule" on Mouser, for example, returns lots of results like this. The crimp tool that you select will typically depend on a number of factors, including the brand of ferrule that you select and whether or not you want a hand crimper or production-quality tooling. Any decent-sized supplier should be able to help you identify the tooling options to match the ferrule that you select for your application.

There's nothing magic to match a Wago 256, as it is an ordinary terminal block with a cross sectional area range of 0.08 - 2.5 mm² per the datasheet. Any ferrule that meets this requirement should work just fine.