Electronic – Impedance frequency response for a DC motor

dc motoremcimpedanceinput-impedance

Consider the following impedance frequency response for a DC motor :

enter image description here

Its equivalent circuit is :

enter image description here

Clearly, from the response, there exists a capacitor, inductor, and resistor, but my problem is how to determine that the resistor is connected in series with the inductor and all of these elements are in parallel with the capacitor.

Best Answer

Two possible RLC equivalent circuits accommodate the 100 ohm resistance at 0 Hz (below).
The second circuit of the two has a resonant dip at 1 MHz, while the first circuit of the two has a resonant peak at 1 MHz. Furthermore, the first circuit has -20dB slope above 1 MHz, while the second circuit has +20dB slope above 1 MHz.
First circuit meets all the criteria (100 ohms @ DC, resonant peak).


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab