Electronic – IRS2153(1) half bridge giving irregular output


I'm following standard design recommendations for a IRS2153(1) half bridge driver in the following setup:
The problem is that the output (measured at the joining net of Q1, Q2, L1, pin 6 and C3 negative relative to ground) is unstable (it should be a steady pulse train, the horizontal scale is 200 ms to show that the irregularity appears at larger timescales: the resulting bursts in between are with the intended frequency): irregular output  - teal is LO (pin 5), yellow is HO (pin 7)
It seems to be a saw-tooth like behaviour with a moving time base. I've tried many configurations (different input voltage, C1, R2, C2 and C3 combinations, together with replacing L choke with a R and skipping the potential divider C4 C5 with connecting the L straight to ground). Does anybody have similar experience with this IC? I've tried the IRS2153 too with a bootstrap diode and it still has a beat freuqency.

SOLVED: IC pin 1 needs at least 20 mA to function properly, a 56k resistor provides too little current. Around 12k 10W works for the given configuration.

Best Answer

IC pin 1 needs at least 20 mA to function properly, a 56k resistor provides too little current. Around 12k 10W works for the given configuration. Thanks @Finbarr.