Electronic – Light an LED when load is in circuit


I want to have a LED light up when a load is in circuit, and go out when it is not.

Basic circuit diagram

Initially I set the circuit up so that the LED is in series with the load but this didn't work. I think possibly because the voltage drop across the resistor was too high. I could adjust the input voltage to match but I'm not sure I entirely understand the impact of doing so, especially given that the load might be variable.

It occurred to me that maybe I can use a transistor in positions X or Y in the diagram, but I have no idea what type of transistor to use or which pins I should connect where.

Ideally I'd also want to have a diode in series with the load to protect the supply against any voltage coming back the other way, how can I work out how much to increase the supply voltage by to compensate for this? (And can I just use the LED here after all?)

If it matters the load is a bunch of cells to be charged (4x 3.7v Li-on hooked up in parallel for charging, or series when in use)

+VCC is currently 4V but I can adjust this.

I've just realised that actually I can just move the"switch" after all, despite previously stating that I couldn't Basically there are spare pins on the plug that I can use for this purpose.

Best Answer


enter image description here

The PNP transistor makes it so the LED can't run if there is no load.

Maybe this enter image description here (Second circuit by @transistor because... Me stoopid)