Batteries – Lithium Ion Battery Model in LTSpice


I am looking for a model I can use in LTspice for a a Lithium Ion battery. It is a pulsed load and I want to see things like heat losses and discharge time. Is there an existing model I can utilize for this, how can a li-ion battery be simulated in lt spice?

I am using a Saft 7s2p battery.

Best Answer

You can use a scheme like this:

It uses a seperate circuit to simulate the battery. The problem will be deriving the values for the battery that you have, the values for the series resistance , and the RC values for the battery will need to be formulated by you. The way to go about doing this is described in this paper: An Accurate Electrical Battery Model Capable of Predicting Runtime and I–V Performance enter image description here.

Note the dependent sources would be b-sources in LT-spice with nodes for the inputs.