Electronic – LM317 based power supply with current limiting

lm317power supplyworkbench

I'm trying to build my own Bench Power Supply but I'm having a hard time to find a good design (circuit/project) for it.

Here are my requirements:

  • Input: main using a 18V 2A transformer
  • Output: 0-18V
  • Current: 0-1.5A
  • Current Limiting controlled by a potentiometer
  • Voltage output controlled by a potentiometer
  • And I'd love it to be based on the LM317

I know there are some designs with two LM317, one limiting current and the other controlling the voltage output, but I couldn't find any good reference for those circuits.

Best Answer

There is a schematic in the ON-Semi datasheet

enter image description here

It needs a negative voltage that feeds the two depletion mode JFETs, they operate as constant current sources and in conjunction with the two diodes connected to the output provide about -1.4V to the pot.