Electronic – LM385Z-2.5 in series with voltage divider – voltage reference problem

referencevoltage dividervoltage-reference

I'm doing a simple circuit using LM385. In THEORY voltage measured on cathode of D2 should be 5V. And it is so, if R2 and R3 are not present in the circuit. So voltage divider from R2 and R3 across voltage of 5V should give OUT voltage of 3.4V.

However when I measure it, OUT is only 2.5V and voltage measured on cathode of D2 is only 3.7V!

Could someone explain me please what am I missing?


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

The load current across the resistors parallel to the references, assuming you have 5 volts, is \$\frac {5V}{6.9k\Omega} =0.724mA \$. When you put that current through your \$10k\Omega\$ resistor, the voltage drop across that is 7.24 Volts. Add that to your 5Volts, and you have 12.24V, which you're trying to provide with a 9V battery. This, of course, ignores your bias current through your LM385-2.5's.

You can't do this with one 9V battery. You need to drop the 10K to a lower value, or use two batteries, but make sure you don't exceed the maximum bias currents for your references.