Electronic – Making a circuit entirely with 4:1 MUX, 2-input OR gate and NOT gate


I'm stuck on this question for half of a day. Let's say I have this function

enter image description here

That's everything I know about it. Now I must implement it using only 4:1 MUX, 2-input OR gate and NOT gate. I've tried to look at the truth table and create a circuit, but it uses a constant and AND gate, which is forbidden in my case.

enter image description here

Is there any convenient way to solve this problem, instead of trying to guess it?

Best Answer

You're nearly there. Your solution uses the mux to select rows of the K map and then you generate the correct function for each row.

If you instead use the mux to select columns of the K map — i.e., connect "y" and "z" to the select lines — then you can generate the function for each column: column zero is just "x" and column 1 is "w+x". In other words, the only other gate you need is the OR gate. The NOT must have been thrown in as a red herring.