Electronic – MHz gate switching: choosing BJTs


I'm trying to build a discrete driver to switch a power transistor (Qg=12nC, Vg=0->6V). I want to push the limits to see what is possible with discrete components (so no driver IC) so I'd like it to have a rise/fall time close to 20ns. This comes down to Ig=12nC/20ns = 0.6A of drive current, assuming constant gate current during the switching. I thought of using a typical BJT push-pull circuit but I'm struggling to find the parts.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Am I using wrong specifications? Is using BJTs a bad idea and would MOSFETs (maybe multiple stages) be the better choice here?

The specifications I looked for:

  • Considering I need at least 0.6A of gate current, but I'd prefer more: Ic>=1A

  • Vg=0->6V: Vce,br>10V

  • tr/tf gate <20ns: tprop+tr+tf+tstor BJT < 20ns

The main problem is the BJT time specifications. Some BJTs don't have these spec'ed, and the best BJTs I find have rise/fall times of 30 ns. Not even mentioning storage times (but I know these can be lowered by using baker clamps and speedup caps)… However I know BJT push-pull is often used in commercial drivers. Are these specs just not possible for discrete components or am I looking in the wrong places?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Just about any small signal NPN and PNP will work in this role. I use MMBT 4401/4403 for jellybean applications like this, but many many would do.

Since these parts only need to pass the high current in short pulses, the max continuous current spec doesn't usually apply anymore. Don't get extra wimpy transistors, but just about anything ordinary will do.

However, if you're worried about this level of detail, then you should be using a FET driver IC. That's what they are for, and they are specified for the maximum pulse current, for exactly the reason you need it.