Electronic – Mic5158 does not regulate


Refering to this post, I changed mic5156 to mic5158 (datasheet) and
this mos.

I wired it several times as the datasheet shows but I can't get any regulated
In order to understand what happens, I removed the mos and put a potentiometer
instead of the divider. The result is (IMHO) what it should: The gate voltage is
maximum when the divider is below the 1.235V reference voltage the goes to
"nearly zero" (in fact around 1 v) when the divider is above 1.235V.

Yellow: divider

Green: Vcp

Orange: Vgate

enter image description here

Then, I rebuild the circuit with the mos and did the following measurement:

Yellow: divider

Green: Vcp

Orange: Vgate

Light blue: Vgs

Starting with a 1A load, I raised it until 10A.

Some observations:

  • The output voltage goes from "too high" to "too low". The voltage is correct only when on marker 2 in the below capture.

  • The pump voltage falls to 0v on marker 1.

enter image description here

I definitely don't understand what happen.
Did I do a wrong choice with the mos?
Should I work around capacitors of the charge pump?
Is there a reason why the gate voltage in first test goes to "nearly 0v"
and not 0v?
Is it a regular behaviour that the charge pump voltage goes to 0? I supposed that It should stay always high, only the Vgs changes but may be I"m wrong.

A lot of interrogations…



enter image description here


enter image description here


I changed MOS for IRF610 (datasheet) and… It works! The specs does not fit my needs but the voltage is regulated with. Still wonder which characteristic makes the original mos unsuitable.

Best Answer

The answer is a bit stupid: le MOS was... dead. Lot of time lost.