Electronic – Mosfet Motor Drive amplifying duty cycle of PWM

dc motorpwm

I am receiving PWM signal at 7.8V from a given controller, with which we need to control the speed of a DC motor at 18 V. I implemented the following circuit for this.
enter image description here
However, the output to motor signal (blue) is not following the original PWM (yellow) and duty cycle is increased by 50%. What could be the culprit. I dont think it is the awkward taper off on the downleg of the input signal enter image description here.

What could be a remedy?

How about this solution?

How to reduce MOSFET turn-off delay

Best Answer

Thanks to the comments/suggestions provided here, we found the solution. We modeled the circuit in Proteus and were able to recreate the output signal. Proteus recreation of Original Circuit Then, as suggested by @G36 the 10k ohm resistor was reduced to 820 ohm, and few minor modifications. Modified Circuit Simulation environment predicted better results: Simulated output of modified circuit On oscilloscope too results were verified as true to form. Actual output of modified circuit

Thanks to all contributors!

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