Electronic – MSP430G2101 WDT not triggering

msp430texas instrumentsti-ccstudio

I have an MSP430G2101 and I need to use the Watchdog to trigger an interrupt. The code I am trying to use is the following:

#include <msp430.h> 
#include <stdint.h>

unsigned int cycle = 0;
unsigned int pwmred = 1;

void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDT_MDLY_0_5;              // WDT as interval timer (period 0,5 ms)
IE1 |= WDTIE;                       // Enable WDT interrupt

P1DIR |= BIT3 + BIT4 + BIT5;


#pragma vector=WDT_VECTOR
__interrupt void watchdog_timer(void)

     if(cycle >= pwmred) {
         P1OUT &= ~BIT3;

     if (cycle >= 255)
         if(pwmred > 0)
             P1OUT |= BIT3;
         cycle = 0;

The interrupt is not triggering, I am checking using the debugger and it is also not acting as expection. I am using the latest version of code composer studio. Did I forget something important. I would expect the watchdog_timer method being called every 0.5 ms, but that is not working.

Best Answer

Because you disabled global interrupts.


Is Bit Clear Special register.

You want


Bit Set special register.

Or use __enable_interrupt(); as mentioned.