Electronic – Need help identifying a capacitor


I have a ceramic disc capacitor that got cooked in a power surge due to a faulty generator. The capacitor was between the fuse and transformer of a circuit board for a pellet stove.

It is RED with and though damaged, I can make out two lines of text


I believe the first line its a 250volt with 10% tolerance.
But not sure how to read the 0933 because everything I found on the web talks about 2 and 3 digit codes.

enter image description here

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

I added your image.

Appears to be a MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor), whose job is to absorb voltage spikes and surges, which it appears to have done heroically.

You can find a whole family of similar devices here - you can choose parameters from the tables to limit the range of types of device, voltages, energy etc.

You'll find that these look suspiciously similar. From $US0.28 in ones for here. These are examples only. Many more.

enter image description here Voltage rating wanted depends on whether your system is 110 VAC or 230 VAC or other.

Typical specification table below. You care mainly about continuous AC voltage rating and peak current and/or energy handling. Peak current ratings and Joule energy handling should be as large as you want to afford.

enter image description here

enter image description here