Synchronous Motor – Understanding Non-Excited Synchronous Motors


I was looking for a synchronous motor for my rotary spark gap. On this page I found what I need.
But the motor model is not 100% same on the web page the motor is a (SHINANO TOKKI X7807-202V) and I have (SHINANO TOKKI X7807-015V) the guy is explaining how to determine if a motor is synchronous or not, with a fluorescent light and white plastic tube on the motor shaft (please visit the website so you understand what I mean) I don't have a fluorescent light lying around, so I can't determine if my motor is synchronous.

May question.
Is there other methods for determining if a motor is running synchronous.

Best Answer

You could make yourself a simple strobe with a couple of LED that would work like a flouro tube.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

R2 would need to be a 2W resistor, R1 a 1/4W
Di1 is a 7-9 volts DIAC BSOD-T112 from Digikey

D1 and D2 could be any LED with a VF @ 20mA of around 2.2-2.6V. You probably can't use White LEDs.
The conduction angle for the LEDs should be about 45-50deg.

At 50Hz you get 100Hz strobes and at 60Hz you get 120Hz strobes.