Electronic – NVIC memory map ARM cortex M3 STM32f103


I do not understand the following memory map regarding the NVIC registers in Programming Manual for STM32f103 page 129. It says that the offset address for NVIC_IPR0 is 0x300 and that of NVIC_IPR20 is 0x320. I do not understand how is this possible?! I think that the offset for NVIC_IPR20 should be 0x350. Indeed, assuming the registers follow one after another one obtains something like this:

NVIC_IPR0 -> 0x300

NVIC_IPR1 -> 0x304

NVIC_IPR2 -> 0x308


NVIC_IPR20 -> 0x350

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

You're correct -- that looks like a typo. The offset for that register should be 0x350.

The CMSIS header file (core_cm3.h) avoids the issue entirely by defining NVIC->IP as an array of bytes, not of 32-bit words:

__IO uint8_t  IP[240];                      /*!< Offset: 0x300  Interrupt Priority Register (8Bit wide) */

This documentation error was probably the result of confusion between the byte-wise structure used by ARM and the 32-bit structure used by ST.