Electronic – Op-amp and amplifying the voltage in negative range


I am using DAC to produce voltage from 0-4.096V which I feed into the op-amp. I am using ADA4522 which can be supplied with 55V at positive rail and gnd at negative rail. Using the non-inverting op-amp configuration, R1=12.43k & R2=1k, I do get extended range of 0 to 54-point-something volts at op-amp output. Happy with that! Picture is below. btw. are resistor values okay?

enter image description here

Now to the other one. I want to amplify the voltage from the DAC(0-4.096V again) to the 0 to -55V. I have planned to connect ground to the positive rail and -55V to the negative rail. I guessed I should use inverting op-amp topology. But that seems not to work. I must have some stupid, obvious mistake I can not see.

enter image description here

Available power supply on this actual project is +55V & -55V with common ground and 5V with common ground. Every result I have is from spice simulation, ada4522 spice model is downloaded from Analog website.

EDIT: Sorry for bad-drawn schematic. Here is better one, I hope. Now it is clean that I have available dual-supply of +-55V and there is 5V supply, too. Thanks to your comments, I have changed R1 on op-amp for positive output. That is OK now. But for negative output, still struggling. If I connect positive rail of that op-amp to the 5V, I am out of op-amp specs. Struggling how to fix that.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

If you look at the data sheet, on page 6 you'll find characterization at single supply, 55 volts. Input voltage is 0 to 53.5 volts. In other words, you can't have an input closer than 1.5 volts to the positive supply. Your inverter attempts to drive the inputs right at the V+, and this won't work.